It's been this kind of a Monday for me:

Even the gorgeous sunshine couldn't cheer me up (!) cause I was TIRED & the KC wind was blowin' schmutz in my mouth, and I was just irritated at....everything.
If you know me, you know I do NOT have these days very often, so I just rolled with it & karate-chopped the universe with every step. This field trip, right here, is the true highlight of my day. The bright spot I had to look forward to. I love sharing with you.
So thank you for being the reason I'm showing up today. This is me pulling the damn school bus over, letting grumpy baby Kristin off the bus, and getting the rest of us pumped for a kick butt Field Trip #5!
{Click the photos to be transported. Enjoy xx}
Last week, I got the opportunity to do my first ever Akashic Record reading for a dog. Yup, my life is bananas. But it was BEAUTIFUL, I'm tellin' ya. Even Ruthie the Bernese Mountain Dog herself loved it & we've got video footage to prove it! Open your mind & click through to read the Tale of Ruth Bader GinsBern.
This is SO good. How easy it should be for us to remove something problematic from our vocabulary & from our life. It hurts somebody? Done! It's a relic from a hateful history? Done! No big deal. It doesn't have to be hard, this thing called growth. Learn, adjust, move forward. Easy.
The Wood Wide Web. Arboreal Cybercide. This short video made me giggle. It also blew my mind. Trees talk to each other, guys. There's a whole world out there we don't understand. Spend a couple minutes with the magic of nature by watching this short clip.
Watching their power & strength & confidence as they move....these girls are giving me LIFE right now. And they're making ME want to stomp & dance & emote & live! I hope their energy fills you up & inspires you to take this week by storm.